Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What to do with Brandon Marshall

The Brandon Marshall Circus, at this point, has become a farce; he doesn't want to be a Bronco, and the Broncos are claiming they're not trading him, even though reports are saying hes being shopped. Reports coming out today say the Jets are interested, but the Jets were also believed to be interested in Jay Cutler and Adam Jones. So just what will happen to Marshall? I've narrowed it down to eight potential trade partners:

The New York Jets:
Pros: they sorely need a #1 wide receiver
Cons: they don't need a malcontent to disrupt rookie QB Mark Sanchez
The Jets believe they are set up to win now, but with their passing game full of young, relatively unexperienced players, they could use a true #1 WR. Marshall would fill that void, and with the talent level at other positions, the Jets could afford to give up a high pick for him. However, Rex Ryan has basically said the team will look like last years Ravens: run first and rely on the defense. And if they keep to that plan, will Marshall be satisfied with watching run plays all day?
Result: Probably the most likely landing spot, if the Broncos do trade Marshall

The New York Giants:
Pros: need a #1 receiver
Cons: don't need another Plaxico Burress
If anything has shown through in this preseason, its this: the Giants receivers don't have the best hands in the league. But its still a seviceable core, and with a strong running game and defense, they won't be relied on often. Also, Plaxico Burress was a huge distraction for the team down the stretch, even if they don't want to admit it. With Osi Umenyiora already having problems with coaches, do they want to bring in another player to cause problems?
Result: Probably not gonna happen. The Giants seem to think they have a strong group of receivers, and will probably continue thinking that.

The Miami Dolphins:
Pros: need a #1 wr
Cons: new ownership means new way of running things
Bill Parcells loves dealing with prima donna wrs. He did it with Keyshawn Johnson, he did it with TO, and now he could do it with Marshall. But the Dolphins are a team in turmoil. They are in the process of being sold to a group of celebrity owners, and who knows if they'll want to deal with Marshall. And Marshall probably wouldn't fit in a Wildcat scheme anyway.
Result: Probably not

The Jacksonville Jaguars:
Pros: could use a young receiver with proven talent
Cons: their running game can probably do it on their own
Torry Holt is getting old. Ernest Wilfork and Troy Williamson, the teams next most experienced players, have not lived up to expectations. Marshall would add instant credibility to an otherwise young receiver corps. And David Garrard has shown the talent to get him the ball. But Jacksonville loves their run game, and Jack Del Rio doesn't seem like the type to put up with Marshall if he gets upset.
Result: Not happening

The Dallas Cowboys:
Pros: replaces TO as #1
Cons: do they want to deal with a new TO?
Jerry Jones loves giving troubled players a second chance(see Adam Jones, Tank Johnson, TO). With the departure of TO, Roy Williams is #1. Think about that for a minute. He didn't really work out in Detroit, and barely saw the ball after being traded to Dallas last season. This is your #1? Sure, we all know Tony Romo loves Jason Witten, but do you want your passing game relying on the TE?
Result: Probably not. Jones seems pretty happy with this scenario.

St. Louis Rams:
Pros: need a #1 WR
Cons: a new WR doesn't automatically make your QB better
The Rams used to be The Greatest Show on Turf. Now they have one of the worst passing games in the league, and their running game hasn't lived up to their 2006 performance, either. But an addition of a top WR won't help if they don't have someone to throw to him.
Result: The Rams need their draft picks to rebuild, not to blow them on one player.

The Chiacago Bears:
Pros: would be an improvement, and would re-unite with Jay Cutler
Cons: already made one big trade
Devin Hester is not a #1 WR. He has speed, yes, but he's a little on the short side, and speed doesn't always convert to an ability to get open. And the work load being put on him has to start taking its toll at some point. The Bears haven't had a true #1 since Bernard Berrian left, and they still don't. But the Bears appear to be thinking Jay Cutler is all thats between them and another Super Bowl. Cutler threw 18 ints last year, and that was while throwing to the Broncos receivers. Still, Cutler will probably be the only big move they make this year.
Result: Not happening

Can the Broncos afford to give up Brandon Marshall? Yes. They have a stacked group of young receivers even without him. But they continue to claim they're keeping him, and trade rumors say they would want a first round pick+ for him. Hes a great player, but thats a little high. There are also rumors the Eagles are interested, but why? They don't need him. Right now, if the Jets don't come up with a trade for him, Marshall will still be a Bronco when the regular season starts. He may not be one after the trade deadline, but he probably will be for now.

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