Thursday, March 25, 2010

2010 MLB Preview - The NL East Still Belongs to the Phillies


1. Philadelphia Phillies

2. Atlanta Braves
3. Florida Marlins
4. New York Mets
5. Washington Nationals

The Phillies didn't really do anything to improve this offseason, but they didn't need to. The deal that got them Roy Halladay and sent Cliff Lee to Seattle is pretty much an even trade, and with how weak the East has become, its enough to keep them in first. The Braves and Marlins both made some nice additions in the offseason, but neither did enough to put up much of a fight. The Marlins may be overvalueing their home-grown talent. If they can stay in second place instead of dropping to third, they're probably doing the right things. The Mets probably won't be competetive this year, even if they stay healthy. Without a first baseman, it's kinda hard to beat the back-to-back NL Champions. The Nats picked up Steven Stroudsburgh, and while he may be the future of MLB pitching, he'll start the season in the minors. Even if he was in the majors, he can't pitch every game.

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