Friday, September 18, 2009

Delonte West Arrested on Gun Charges


Delonte West, a guard for the Cleveland Cavaliers, was driving a three-wheeled motorcycle north on Interstate 95 near Route 214 in the Largo area when he cut off a Prince George's County police officer, authorities said. The officer pulled him over, and West told the officer that he was carrying a handgun in his waistband.

That prompted the officer to call for backup, and investigators found that West was actually carrying three guns: a Beretta 9mm in his waistband, a Ruger .357 strapped to his leg and a shotgun in a guitar case slung over his back, said Maj. Andy Ellis, a spokesman for the Prince George's County Police Department.

There is so much wrong with this situation, I don't even know where to begin. First would be, I guess, that he cut off a cop. Thats just dumb. Then, he told the cop about the gun in his waistband. I guess he didn't learn what happens when you put a gun in your waistband from Plaxico Burress. That part kind of makes sense, since a cop will sometimes ask if you have a weapon, and its smarter to tell him than to have him find it the hard way. But why tell him about that one and not the one strapped to your leg? Oh, and that shotgun in the guitar case strapped across your back. Maybe he actually thought he had a guitar in there and forgot?

The story goes on to say that it is unknown where west was going and why he was armed. My theory: he was on his way to re-enactment of an episode of Sons of Anarchy. Its just a guess. I mean, he does look kind of like Thoe Rossi.

Delonte West:

Theo Rossi as Juan Carlos "Juice" Ortiz on Sons of Anarchy:

[pics via duffy1700's photobucket,]

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